Monday, August 15, 2011

Mini-Movie Review Update :: August 2011 Edition.

Well, time to catch up on movie reviews, although in a very brief manner, sadly. Time is of the essence. That said, here we go!

From the same person who gave us MOON, came this amazing and original piece of sci-fi. I really liked CODE a lot, and would've easily been a contender for one of my top 3 films of the year (so far) if it had dared to be more ballsy with its ending. As much as I enjoy "happy endings," a not so definite one in this instance would've elevated SC into true greatness, imo.

From the previews I saw way before it came out, I thought I would end up loving HANNA to death. However, the lack of anything to hold on emotionally to her really made it difficult to give a damn whether she succeeded or not. Still worth a look though, lots of interesting things to learn from this movie, and the score by The Chemical Brothers is amazing.

Someone get Liam Neeson a better agent. Such a dumb movie. I mean, if you can't figure out the ending halfway through (and I'm convinced you can even earlier than that) maybe there's a chance you'd like it. Avoid, imo.

Though the general idea/concept was terrific, I think the execution was handled a bit poorly, not really fit for the God of Thunder. However, this doesn't mean that the movie sucked; it was actually quite entertaining. Loki ended up stealing the show.

I'll confess that I didn't have high hopes for this one, but was more than pleasantly surprised at how good, smart and fucking funny this movie is. Everyone in here is great. Truly one of the pseudo-sleeper hits of the year. Looking forward to whatever Melissa McCarthy does next- as long as Hollywood doesn't turn her into a female Zach Galifianakis.

And this one was a letdown. It does have its moments, but in the end, there just isn't enough to really make it memorable or recommendable.

This one had it all to be a freaking good time, but instead they went for mediocrity. Really, I don't get it when shit like this happens. The movie isn't bad, but when you realize just how damn good it could have been, well, you kind of feel cheated on.

I remember when they premiered a ton of footage during WonderCon for GL. And Ryan Reynolds really sold it that day- I was truly excited for a superhero movie once again, and one whom I'm not a fan of in particular. Man, was I wrong. To say that this movie was a fucking letdown, would be gentle. I'll put it this way- after watching it, I wanted to throw away my GL shirt. It is that bad.

Technically, this was out back in 2010, but didn't see a bigger release until earlier this year. Not exactly a commercial movie by any means, but if you really can get past the in-your-face commentary about modern filmmaking, it is a charming little piece of miracle cinema. Have to give mad props to Mr. Oizo for something so weird and original.

Ok, I shall continue at some point soon; way too many movies to go through, too little time to remember them all.

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